BlackBerry7 replica theme for devices running OS5 and OS6 from HedoneDesign.
Research in Motion has always been, indeed, a company “on the move.” There was barely the flicker of a candle between OS6.0 and the recently announced (and exponentially more powerful) OS7. Because we, as developers, have RIM-Sanctioned Snipers posted at our locations, we cannot reveal anything about OS7 even IF we DID know (which we DON’T). An anonymous artist speaking on condition of anonymity (and a minor condition of cookies), dropped this theme on our doorstep where we took him in, made him one of the order and raised him to be the anonymous-son he is today. Not a complete makeover, but just enough in just the right places.
MEDIA FOLDER (BlackBerry6 devices): If you don't have your "media" tag populated, rename your media folder to "net_rim_bb_file_explorer.Media" (without quotes and case sensitive) and hide it. that way your media tab will be populated.
Research in Motion has always been, indeed, a company “on the move.” There was barely the flicker of a candle between OS6.0 and the recently announced (and exponentially more powerful) OS7. Because we, as developers, have RIM-Sanctioned Snipers posted at our locations, we cannot reveal anything about OS7 even IF we DID know (which we DON’T). An anonymous artist speaking on condition of anonymity (and a minor condition of cookies), dropped this theme on our doorstep where we took him in, made him one of the order and raised him to be the anonymous-son he is today. Not a complete makeover, but just enough in just the right places.
MEDIA FOLDER (BlackBerry6 devices): If you don't have your "media" tag populated, rename your media folder to "net_rim_bb_file_explorer.Media" (without quotes and case sensitive) and hide it. that way your media tab will be populated.
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By PutraMadjapahit